Tuesday 22 February 2011

Vaccination Day :(

Right now (22.00 exactly) I feel as if someone has been punching my upper arms - OUCH!

Had Hepatitus A & Typhoid in the left arm and Tetanus, Diphtheria & Polio in the right.  Felt a tad whoozy after the Hep/Typhoid mix and wondered if that's what it would be like to have a shot of heroin....felt it travel down my arm then up to my head - not nice.  No Malaria tablets required for NW India - goodie. 

The nurse was really helpful and gave me lots of information/handouts/leaflets.  I can now stock up my travelling medical chest with lots of preventative tablets, creams and sprays as well as curative remedies :)

Just in case you're wondering (and in danger of being boring) I have 31 sleeps before  we fly........

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