Wednesday 23 March 2011

Almost There! :)

I'm unbelievably excited (just in case you hadn't noticed)!!

It's quite warm today and sunny (16°C) - nice to have a glimpse at how warm we will be on Sunday in Delhi(32°C)!

Almost ready to go apart from those last minute chores - even the dogs's bags are packed.  They're going to stay with friend, Andrea.  She has two King Charles Spaniels and a Cocker Spaniel....about to have two more King Charles to add to her collection. Is she mad? I hear you say. Most definitely!!  I would do the same for her though.

Saying (a temporary) 'Goodbye' to my lovely students is incredibly moving - such genuine hugs and good wishes from each one.  I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful rapport with them all.....

My dear friend Penny is going into hospital on Friday for an operation - I won't be around to visit her or be here for her....that hurts but I shall be holding her close to my heart and sending healing karma across the ocean.
                                                                 Patsy and Puppy

OK...back to the 'To Do' list......

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