Saturday 9 April 2011

31st March - Day 6 - Visit to Daskar & The Women's Project

This trip was cancelled due to a further visit being the Group’s choice to go on another Safari in the afternoon but Kate, Hen and I thought we couldn’t better this morning’s outing and decided to opt out in favour of a trip to the Daskar Project.

In order to expand the Wild Life Park, several families had to be moved from their settlements so in order for them to continue to be self sufficient The Dasker Project, as well as others were set up.  As well as giving them homes and land, they have learnt knew skills - painting, sewing, painting and craft work.  They earn a regular wage.  The women can bring their little ones with them. The older children go to school.

We were shown round the various projects.  Some were hand printing fabrics, some making jewellery, some doing embroidery and patchwork others, working on sewing machines making tops, dresses, trousers, bags etc. 

Their beautiful items are for sale and of course, not only did we love ALL their work and want to buy everything in the shop but we wanted to support this worthwhile project - girlie shopping - done!!

The Women’s Project

On the way back to the hotel we passed ‘The Women’s Project’, a similar Project to Daskar.  On the terrace about 12 women ranging from 16 to 70ish were sitting together doing patchwork, finely embroidered bed throws. Some had children playing or sleeping nearby.

We were shown around once again.  Men also work here and some were doing pottery, some art work, others carving wooden ornaments. 

More retail therapy, of course.  More cases definitely needed to bring everything back home!!

On the way out the women on the terrace beckoned us over.  They delighted in showing us their skills and although we didn’t speak the same language we laughed, chatted and sat together, played with or cuddled their babies.  They wanted photographs taken of us hugging, holding hands.  They made us a bracelet each and hennaed our hands.  We didn’t want to leave……

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